Candy Crush Saga Level 8623 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 8623 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 8623 is a multi task level, you have to collect fish and licorice as well as clear the jelly to complete the level. This can be a very hard level and needs a good start to have a chance of completing it.
The main thing you need to do is to make special candies and combos. Collecting the keys will unlock the fishing floats and the fish from the floats will help with destroying the spawners and clearing the jelly and licorice. Wrapped candies are the best candies to use and if you can switch a wrap with a colourbomb this will cause the most damage to the obstacles on the board and give the most fish.
Video by Kazuo

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


GloryB said...

Having a very hard time with this one. Posting for luck.

GloryB said...

Try and I might am not able to make those cascades that are needed. Posting again for luck

Newfie said...

Make special candies and combos. Interesting tip. Lol.

Newfie said...

Better tips is to:
Try and move three in a row so wrapped candy comes close to keys and spawners. Obviously watch and try for wrapped candy next to stripe which happens a fair bit. Good start necessary of course. Then luck as you need good combos around fish floats.

Geertje said...

Been playing for hours. Does not come close. Need a lucky board.

Patty123 said...

Posting for luck. Not even getting close.

Patty123 said...

Threw in all 3 boosters at the start. Didn't think I was going to win, but got lots of cascades at the end, and the fish finished it for me.

Twins mom said...

Just another frustrating level that should be labeled "IMPOSSIBLE"!!

Twins mom said...

This level is a joke!

The Savage Traveler said...

An hour of striped/wrapped and I still came nowhere near. Clearly going to need loads of 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞

The Savage Traveler said...

Day 2. Still nowhere near. Now I have an hour of color bombs and wrapped/striped candies. If this doesn't do it, nothing can 😡🤬😥😡🤬😥😡🤬😥

Hulda said...

Impossible when the keys are always blocked immediately after unblocking them.

Hulda said...

Immediately after posting here I managed to clear everything but needed 11 liquorice with only two moves left and only 2 liquorice on the board. Spent 10 gold for extra moves and finally made it through.

Connie said...

Posting for luck

Df said...

Are you kidding me? bleuhhhh stupid level

PaGirl said...

After 3 days - always 2 licorice short. Rigged. Jerks.

Agnes Power said...

Not enough moves!!Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

Sherry Hawa said...

Definitely need a lucky board. Second day and not even close. Posting for luck ... again.

Sherry Hawa said...

Me, again. Still getting no where. Days in this level. I could have 50 moves and I don’t think I will ever get it. Many times, there’s only one move and it always st the very top. I rarely even get all of keys. This is not fun. Posting for a lucky board, please!!!

Unknown said...

Moeilijk weer.frustrerend ook.hulp nodig

Nic said...

Waouh !!! Niveau totalement impossible, ne n'arrive a rien même pas à récupérer toutes les clés
Besoin d'un tableau très chanceux s'il vous plaît

Pati said...

Day 2 of this bad level.

Shelley said...

Luck, please!

Broomie said...

This is beyond can't do anything, everything is immediately covered back up. Another boring level you just wait for that lucky board

Broomie said...

By the time you get anywhere close to be able to start working the board your out of moves

Eugenie said...

This has nothing to do with skills. Just wait to get a lucky board. Shame on you .

Anonymous said...

Need lucky board!!!!

JT said...

Classified as a Hard Level on my devices

Patty said...

Another awful level. 😡

cc said...

Not fun. Not relaxing. !!!!!!!

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck

jemkay said...

yet another boring level just waiting for lucky board when they decide to give me one.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀!

Joy said...

PFL. After three days I just now collected all the keys. Does that mean I’m making progress or that I’m stupid to keep trying?,😜

RBlomquist said...

Evil spawners on steroids. Can only wait for that lucky start. If it even exists. PFLEASE!!

Cher said...

This one is pure b.. . . . Shit .

JB said...

Posting for luck.

JB said...

Getting very fed up now spent money on extra moves still failed. NEED A LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!

Dingee2 said...

It's the holiday season!
PFL, please and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Please help with lucky board.

Anonymous said...

I need help on this one. Can’t get enough combos to blast the keys! The licorice too!! Waiting too long for a lucky board.
Thanks for whatever can be done to move on.

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Raisedbybees said...


Raisedbybees said...

Sick of this level!!

Raisedbybees said...

Still waiting for a board like cookies

Zotteoma said...

Two times I managed to clear everything with 5 and 10 moves left. But didn’t get the liquorice! What is the solution to get liquorice?

Sb said...

Please help

EGH said...

Twice have been missing the liquoirice swirls.. not enough

Need luck please 🍀

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please xx

Unknown said...


Tineke said...

Dag 2: daar gaan we weer! Walchelijk niveau zwaar en moeilijk, kom nergens HELP ME

Cory said...

Levels 1-8606!

Use bomb with special candy.

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Carrie722 said...

Stuck. Help. PFL

Carrie722 said...


Carrie722 said...

Still stuck here. Played it more times than I care to think about. Please let me pass. This is so stupid and the game is so rigged.
Give me a break. PFL

Carrie722 said...

It’s 3 days that I’ve been stuck here. Oddly, I’ve played more than ever because of power issues related to Hurricane Ian and no TV. Please let me pass. I’m losing my mind. PFL. What the hell else would I be posting for?

Sherelle said...

Difficult . Please send a lucky board please Tiffy or Yeti or king or bubble gum troll . Thank you

Sherelle said...

Posting for a lucky board

Ayla said...


MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

ChrisD said...

Another pathetic level!!! Absolutely no chance of completing it. Giving me chance to buy 30 moves but no way am I paying anything to play these stupid levels, as soon as you do another ridiculous one comes along!!!! Bored!!!!

Karin said...

Posting for luck. Not enough moves

Angie said...

Pfl, pls😘 weren't a problem.the rest has not gone well...pfft

Thank you for listening.

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin borin borin

Estier463 said...

Three boosters to start then 1 hammer to get a wrap next to a color bomb was enough to get the cascades going and get me through this one.

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Ggs said...

Posting for luck

Greylady said...

Not possible without buying more life. Ridiculous level.

Anônimo said...

O vídeo mostra 69 gelatinas, agora são 122, isto é uma fraude!!!! Quadrilha de estelionatários!!! Querem que você compre reforços, é uma piada!! Nunca gastei um único centavo nesta porcaria, não será agora que farei isso. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda, existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!!

Anônimo said...

Este nível merece algumas considerações:
1) Os movimentos deveriam ser aumentados na mesma proporção em que aumentam os pedidos.
2) Quando diz que é um nível difícil, quer dizer que não importa os movimentos que o jogador faça, não irá concluir. Os movimentos são manipulados te oferecendo uma única opção e inútil.
Qual o objetivo deste jogo ultimamente? Apenas realizar vendas? O objetivo de diversão foi trocado unicamente pelo lucro? Todos os vídeos que são veiculados não rende o suficiente? Para aumentarem os lucros é necessário trapacear e lesar os jogadores? Ninguém responderá a tudo isso, mas fica o meu registro antes de deletar este jogo.

Anônimo said...

Estou preso neste nível faz 4 dias sem qualquer chance de concluir. Quando coleto as chaves não sobram movimentos. Nunca consegui destruir os spawners, muito menos coletar peixes e eliminar as gelatinas. Muito me admiro que muitos jogadores na corrida do episódio passem com tamanha facilidade e ganhem as barras de ouro. Algumas coisas estranhas estão acontecendo neste jogo.

Anônimo said...

Este nível é patético, para não dizer idiota, o que mais aparece aqui é o seguinte: "não há movimentos disponíveis, embaralhando", chega a ser ridículo, e assim vai até que os miseráveis movimentos terminam e game over, como sempre.

Rainbowgirl said...

Can’t seem to get a start on this, not enough moves and no space to make combos, lucky board required please

Alida said...

Zo moeilijk niet te doen. Wilt u mij alstublieft helpen om hier door te komen. Bijvoorbaat vriendelijk bedankt.

Fordy said...

Enough! Can I pass now please 🙄

cookie56 said...

Can't get past the top half.
Total pain in the a$$.
Posting for luck.

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Sandi said...

Another stupid level where u have no chance to get even close. As soon as u set something up the spawners cover it up. Why bother King? This is no longer relaxing. Some skill should be needed, not pure luck.

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Shirley Ragland said...

Please help me as I'm being timed! I really need piñatas offers! But thank you for your ❣️ help!

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck again, impossible level!

A2 said...

Why, King? Just—why? I played for over two hours today. Not even close. Just another blatant money grab. Give me a lucky board already before I fall asleep from boredom.

Janet said...

What an awful level!! Posting for Luck!

george said...

And now there are three fewer moves to start than the sample video. I have never come close to passing this level.

Mas said...

Been on this dreadful level far too long. Had enough.Pretty much impossible. I know if I play long enough I will get a lucky board but I think time has come to quit this game as no level now is enjoyable and you are stuck forever.

Michou said...

Impossible de réussir ce tableau avec 21 coups seulement! Il est temps de me retirer de ce jeu débile!!!!

Miss Vicki said...

I had had three rewards for 30 minutes and still can’t get out of this level.

Miss Vicki said...

This is getting ridiculous. I can’t even get close to passing this level.

Anon said...

Completely ridiculous level! I've been stuck on this level for days. It seems the only way to achieve some of these levels is by paying which I'm not prepared to do. I'm seriously thinking of just deleting this game.