Candy Crush Saga Level 9197 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9197 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9197 is an order level, you have to collect bubblegum, blockers and cherries to complete the level. Forget about the cherries and concentrate on clearing the bubblegum and blockers using any combos you can make. You need to clear these as quickly as possible so that once the cherries drop onto the conveyor there will be enough moves left to get them to the right side and down to the exit. 
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Madre said...

If I had 35 moves I might be able to complete this level. Help!

Twins mom said...

Definitely, could use more moves!

Katywads said...

I have gotten to the last cherry several times and it does not exit through the funnel. It sits in the bottom right position and all other cherries before fall through. Must it come through a different funnel? Confusing.

Katywads said...

Had to complete it on my phone. No issue there.

Maks said...

No chance on my phone. Posting for lucky board pls

mue said...

Pour moi aussi en manque de mouvements ....

mue said...

la dernière cerise reste coincée....

anonymous said...

I have the same problem with the last cherry not falling through the portal although there was nothing in the way at all. wasted a hammer. Not fair.

MariaP said...

A few more moves would help. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

I think after several years playing Candy Crush I have reached the end of the road. This level has stumped me, I read your comments, watched a video that has 32 moves and with just 21 moves I know I can't do this game. I have no boosters to help, no gold bars and no money to buy help. ��
Ann x

Unknown said...

So, I woke this morning and opened this game, once again my vent on here has enabled me to move on as I was given a lucky board. Thank you to whoever fixed it for me xxx

Sharda said...


Unknown said...

Zelfde probleem.kers loopt vast en kan er niet uit.bovendien kom ik niet eens in de buurt.veel te weinig zetten.wachten op geluksbord weer.zoals tegenwoordig altijd.heel irritant

Broomie said...

Had it on 1st try except for the last cherry like everyone got hung up..wish someone would give a tip about that!

Nic said...

Plus assez de mouvements encore une fois
Et la dernière cerise ne tombe pas et reste coincée à droite
Vraiment besoin d'aide 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 s'il vous plaît

Nic said...

Jour 2 toujours coincée ici,plus assez de mouvements et
la dernière cerise reste bloquée 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plaît

Nic said...

Merci CC 😍

Claudiamel said...

It seems the liquorice at the top is the problem stopping the cherries dropping.

Julie said...

Can someone tell me how this level is mathematicaly possible? You have to have all 5 cherries on the belt within the first 8 moves. Plus have all blockers removed within the following 7 moves. The cherries don't even all drop within the first 8 moves much less all on the belt.

Unknown said...

Boring boring boring boring, nothing to do except wait for a lucky bozrd. Time to play another game watch thier ads, let fhem makd mo ey while king makes zero. That is what king deserves for shit like this. No money

Frustrated said...

Posting for a lucky board please.

Cher said...

This level is full of so much crap . So well planed to have no chance without buying your way out we’ll come one so stingy that is not a game .

Stuck said...

I also had the same issue with the last cherry just sitting there. Such bs
PFL before I lose it!!!!

Watch me crush said...

This level is SO unfair with the last cherry hung up! I have had it down to the last cherry twice stuck at the bottom. I’ll look into seeing if the licorice at top is causing the issue. Posting for lucky board please.

Kazza said...

Lucky board please. Gone through the booster package I purchased and still not close. This could be the level that has me delete this game.

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...


Icooper said...

Yikes! Pflplz&lb2.

Toscadee 23 said...

Posting for luck.

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

bonita said...

asking for a lucky board please.
Gummi dragons are much cuter than cherries, good job techies.
Help me pass.
Thank you so much ms. cookie for the exit tip & video.

bonita said...

requesting a lucky board Please. TRIED to pass at least a million times & have come sooooooooo close, but NO CIGAR> HELP ME win.

anoniem said...

Alstublieft King, help me met dit level. Ik kan er geen touw aan vast knopen😳. Please Please.

Karin said...

Posting for luck, ridiculous level. Not enough moves.

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Angie said...

Lucky board pls. Ty😘

Angie said...

Something is wrong with my game. Have had 10 stripes i hit together and only took 3 blocks out below.
Im not spending a thing until its fixed. Pls. Ty

Angie said...

Ty for the fix!😘

Anoniem said...

If I buy goldbars to play on I get 195 extra moves. Now you see how impossible this level is.....

TrickyTricky said...

Need luck pls

TrickyTricky said...

Want out of this now

esaud said...

Only 19 moves for the game now on 2-3-24. Impossible as far as I'm concerned.

Emma said...

Please lucky board

J Galindo said...

Its impossible. Before they has 35 moves. Now candy crush is just about spending money. Its horrible now. 5 years agonit was so much fun. I never spent a single dollar. Also, you took away my ads so i cant get any boosters. I hate it

Barb said...

Need more moves to complete this level. Help please!

Lola said...

Stupid level. Getting ridiculous with the number of moves. Clearly you win when king lets you win. Lucky board pls. Anything over 20 tries I’m done.

Nljnky said...

No way with 19 moves. I have played this level well over 200 times. Can get to where I need one more move several times. I just don’t see it happening

Linda Maitan said...

I need lucky board like they had

Anne said...

Help needed, please🙏

Michou said...

Impossible à faire en 19 coups. Tableau porte-bonheur svp!

Rhonda said...

Not enough moves! Please help CC

Kevin C said...

Last one doesn't drop. Whatever King......not buying more moves.