Candy Crush Saga Level 9585 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9585 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9585 is an order level, you have to collect rainbow rapids and cherries to complete the level. Vertical stripes and stripe/wrap combos are the way to clear this level. You need to destroy the spawners at the bottom of the board so that the rapids can move across from the right corner. The cherries will drop to the bottom of the board, through the portals into the top and then down to the exits. If you can make a double colourbomb combo this will be good, otherwise use stripe/wrap combos as much as possible.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


jeanbean said...

Level 9585 very hard.
Agree with the comments above.
Games very hard and frustrating to play,

Christine S said...

Cc is no fun anymore.
I gave some nasty feedback a couple of weeks ago.
I agree with Eileen!
It looks like ones always asking for a lucky board.
I complained about a level a couple of weeks ago. Of course their response back is to watch the video.🤣

Sharda said...


Mr D said...

Had enough of these crap levels

Connie said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Unknown said...

Alleen nog maar frustrerende levels.denk dat het tijd is om een leuker spel te doen dan deze ergenis.

Unknown said...

Wat een stom level.als je er bijna bent dan vallen er bonbons bij.die je ook weer weg moet halen.onmogelijk king.hou het eerlijk.weer wachten op geluk.hoeveel dagen nu weer?????

Df said...

Ook ik sluit mij aan bij bovenstaande commentaren, de levels zijn erg onmogelijk te passeren. Het is niet leuk meer dit spel te spelen.
Al vele goudstaven kwijt en niets verder. Bah niet te doen. Het stoppen ligt voor de hand. Come on CC does lief

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Unknown said...

What is with all the comments about levels that are far ahead of this one? Y'all spend so much time on this game you randomly look through past levels to make comments and complaints about future levels? King really has you hooked!

Lilly said...

I was wondering the same thing. I check the site for tips, not comments on future levels.

Pati said...

Day 6 not close to beating this level. The best I did so far is destroying from right to left

Colleen said...

Definitely harder than it looks. There are alot of boosters available within this level and it is a now a test level, at least for me, so you will not have access to any of your saved boosters. Time, patience and luck will hopefully get me through this level.

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

nutmeg said...

What are all those blasters that form on bottom when clock disappear, they still block the rainbow from getting though?

Laura said...

OMG! After you finally clear the
rapids you still have to drop the cherries through the portals and down to the exits.

Veronica2012 said...

Posting for luck

JB said...

Posting for luck.

Mary said...

I don’t appreciate being used as your test guru on a stupid level and having to use all of my lives and boosters to try to complete it! Ridiculous!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Jules said...

Lucky board please!

Irmaki said...

3rd day here. Please a better board

bonita said...

Please send me a miracle board. Level is so bad after reading ms. cookie's Tips & video--------I am baffled.
I signed up to play candy crush NOT to be a lab rat for King's techs--NOT FAIR to use boosters & Lives as a tester for new levels.
Thanks ms. cookie but tips weren't explanatory enough--confused yet.

Karin said...

Very hard level, posting for luck!

Angie said...

Lucky board please. Ty
The one cherry just won't move or drop. Might be a fluke? Ty🥰

Angie said...

These levels are not fun! Too hard.
Please help. Ty🥰

Candy said...

Amazing. King is now *so* desperate for me to pass Level 9585, they are now offering me, in exchange for a measly pittance of 10 Gold Bars, 225 moves just to finish this level and move on to fame and even greater heights. How can I resist? Truly, this level is a miserable mess to play. Bring back those fun little bonus prizes and more of those silly contests. Holly

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anne said...

I don't get this video, altough I get lots of special candies, they don't seem to get destroy the obstacles. Help pretty please.

Anne said...

Help needed, please🙏