Candy Crush Saga Level 5047 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5047 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5047 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect licorice and yellow candies to complete the level. The licorice is already on the board but you will also get more from the lucky candies in the middle of the board as well as the yellows.
Clear some of the licorice to open up the board a little and look for chances to make special candies and combos to hit the fishing floats and popcorns in the middle of the board. The more licorice you collect from the outer parts of the board the less you will get from the lucky candies, you really need to be getting yellows from the lucky candies and not licorice. For this reason you should try to get as many licorice from the outer parts of the board to save the lucky candies for yellows. However don't weaste moves just making matches of 3 to get licorice, combos are always better even if this means getting licorice fromn the lucky candies, plenty more will drop.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


EL BEATLE said...

Achieved in about 6 attempts. I found it useful to make the candies drop on the extreme top left. Line them up against either the floats or the popcorn. I thought that I was going to finish up about 4 candies short and just fired off my last stripe candy into anything, although it wasn't going to hit a float/popcorn. It did somehow trigger a cascade on the opposite side and that led the last few yellow candies to line up and do the job.

MissyM said...

I was able to start by combining 2 color bombs. That meant I was only short a few licorice. Once I got those all the Special Candy turned to yellow.

gidget said...

posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck/

Flippenheck said...

Help please

ellen the enforcer said...

Played a few times before I was able to get two color bombs next to each other at the top. Once I switched them it was a total cascade of yellows. 6 moves to spare. Good luck crushers.

Tonny said...

Posting for luck , please !!!

Lymbo said...

I can’t get nearly enough yellow candies to be created. I run out of moves with 20+ still needed. Must need to work on my strategy! Or wait for a lucky board!

Candy crusher said...

Can’t get anywhere near beating this!!!! Posting for luck.

Candy crusher said...

Impossible level!!! Need help!! Not enough moves!!!

Candy crusher said...

Seem to be one of few who
Can’t come close to this level!! I have read the clues. Watched the video. Used all boosters and lives and still not close. Time to leave candy crush!!!!!

Player said...

Great levelagain. Guess i am being stuck for days AGAIN. stll isnt getting netter. Same old story...a lottery.

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for a lucky board please!

Abbegail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anônimo said...

Mais de 10 dias preso não chegando a lugar nenhum. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Hora de excluir o CC.

Anônimo said...

Outro nível de porco igual aos desenvolvedores do site. Chega deste jogo ridículo.

ScotFife said...

Yet another utterly absurd level. I can only think that all those who passed this one easily had a much easier version to play. I have occasionally managed to clear all the liquorice but rarely had less than 20 yellow candies still to collect. As for matching two chocolate sprinkles (which has to be the only way you can do this, and you may well need that at least twice), don't make me laugh. Oh, and I could easily do without Roman Kemp's face popping up at each failed game to tell me about losing all my candies. F*** off, Roman.

Anônimo said...

Nível impossível. Nunca consigo obter os doces amarelos, os movimentos são insuficientes. Aqueles que dizem que concluíram o nível de maneira fácil, combinando 2 cb, é uma grande mentira. Melhor é abandonar este jogo manipulado e ridículo.

Anônimo said...

Realmente este nível é o final do CC para mim. Impossível coletar os pedidos. Chega, não gosto de níveis onde tudo depende de sorte.

Anônimo said...

Agora os movimentos foram reduzidos, isso é alguma piada? Impossível concluir o nível. Este jogo realmente é manipulado, estão querendo fazer com que os jogadores comprem boosters para passar de nível, lamento mas comigo esta estratégia não funciona. Nunca gastei e nem vou gastar nada com este jogo ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC.

Anônimo said...

Pior nível que já joguei, poucos movimentos, muitos pedidos para coletar. Os doces listrados que caem sempre vão para a direção contrária. Muitos embaralhamentos que nada resolvem. Qual o objetivo do CC em modificar o nível, quando alguns são privilegiados com o nível mais fácil? Estou começando a acreditar que este jogo é manipulado.

Anônimo said...

Eu não estou acreditando, tenho certeza. Depois de um nível deste em que é impossível obter os pedidos concluo que este jogo agora tem como objetivo arrecadar dinheiro. Não bastam os lucros com os anúncios?! Eu me recuso a participar disto.

Anônimo said...

Concordo com os comentários anteriores, este nível só é possível comprando muitos boosters. Se não gastar dinheiro o CC nunca vai permitir que você passe de nível, realmente isto é fraude. Não existe estratégia alguma que se possa fazer, o jogo é que determina se dará certo ou não. Este jogo foi bom agora não presta.

Evelyn said...

Easy! Right! Need help and free spins

Evelyn said...

Still need help getting through this level!

EmaR said...

This level is frustrating. Might actually have passed it by the time were out of lockdown.
Posting for luck

Mr Muddymud said...

I have played this like a million times and haven't got any where to completing it. Getting very fed up now with CC. Maybe time to move on

Annomous said...

Really need HELP with this game, I have been on this game for days now and still nothing. I have tried boosters but still nothing. HELP NEEDED PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC, LUCKY BOARD, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE.

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Linda Maitan said...

I need a lot more yellow than they did

Brian kite said...

No chance of collecting so many yellow only seen about 6 at any time. Desperate now for a lucky board please

Brian kite said...

Very hard level best I've done is to have 10 yellows left usually got over 20. Desperate now for a lucky board please to get me through

Janet said...

Been on this level for 4 days!! Boosters don’t help. Posting for luck. PLEASE!

Janet said...

This level went from 25 moves for 20 yellows and 28 licorice to 23 moves for 30 yellows and 32 licorice. Why is it so different for those of us that are behind? I’m spending days on these levels and getting soooo bored!!

Shirley Ragland said...

Not near enough moves! Some help please! Thank you!

Shirley Ragland said...

I've watched videos and read instructions, and I still don't quite understand this board! A helping hand please! Thank you!

Tina said...

Lucky candies give mostly licorice not yellows. I needed 30 yellows and 7 licorice and lucky candies were licorice. Another ridiculous game with not enough moves. And again, wait for a lucky board.

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. Really struggling with this one! 🙏🏻🕉️

Flash said...

I could scream....just need two more yellows. So rigged that you will pay for more moves. I will try, try and tray again. Flash

GC said...

I get to the stage where I keep saying 'Time to move on.' Each nasty, ridiculous level I'm getting close to doing just that! I don't think I've ever had loads of boosters to be generous with, so I try to hold onto what little I do have. As for trying not to match 3 candies to get rid of more liquorice and to look for making boosters, is OK, IF there are any. But not much you can do about it if there isn't anything else.🙄 I too am left with 20+yellow candies at the end.

mateach said...

Hoping tips help...been stuck for a while here!!

Barb said...

Please help! Posting for luck. Cannot get close.

wtrc said...

How do you get rid of all the liquorice so you get the yellow candy? I had a chocolate bomb for 1-hour got nowhere near finishing, all fish do is open up more liquorice maybe I need a little help or a lucky board would be nice thank you.

Pinky said...

Posting for lucky board please, not even close !!!!!!

Dsayer1975 said...

I’m not getting any yellow candies dropping once I actually manage to free up the ticks, nowhere near enough moves for this level! 23 moves to get 32 liquorice and 30 candies - I think not! 😤

Dsayer1975 said...

Shish kebab, send help please before I delete this damn game! 🤬

Rute Lima said...

bla bla bla. Just give me a lucky board and we dont talk more about it.