Level 4201 - 4300

Level guides and tips for level 4201 - 4300.
Below are links to the level guides with tips and videos for all the Candy Crush Saga levels between 4201 and 4300.
There are hints and tips from our expert players and from other readers of this blog.
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Click on the link below to see the tips and video for the level you want.

Level 4201                                       Level 4251
Level 4202                                       Level 4252
Level 4203                                       Level 4253
Level 4204                                       Level 4254
Level 4205                                       Level 4255
Level 4206                                       Level 4256
Level 4207                                       Level 4257
Level 4208                                       Level 4258
Level 4209                                       Level 4259
Level 4210                                       Level 4260
Level 4211                                       Level 4261
Level 4212                                       Level 4262
Level 4213                                       Level 4263
Level 4214                                       Level 4264
Level 4215                                       Level 4265
Level 4216                                       Level 4266
Level 4217                                       Level 4267
Level 4218                                       Level 4268
Level 4219                                       Level 4269
Level 4220                                       Level 4270
Level 4221                                       Level 4271
Level 4222                                       Level 4272
Level 4223                                       Level 4273
Level 4224                                       Level 4274
Level 4225                                       Level 4275
Level 4226                                       Level 4276
Level 4227                                       Level 4277
Level 4228                                       Level 4278
Level 4229                                       Level 4279
Level 4230                                       Level 4280
Level 4231                                       Level 4281
Level 4232                                       Level 4282
Level 4233                                       Level 4283
Level 4234                                       Level 4284
Level 4235                                       Level 4285
Level 4236                                       Level 4286
Level 4237                                       Level 4287
Level 4238                                       Level 4288
Level 4239                                       Level 4289
Level 4240                                       Level 4290
Level 4241                                       Level 4291
Level 4242                                       Level 4292
Level 4243                                       Level 4293
Level 4244                                       Level 4294
Level 4245                                       Level 4295
Level 4246                                       Level 4296
Level 4247                                       Level 4297
Level 4248                                       Level 4298
 Level 4249                                       Level 4299 
Level 4250                                       Level 4300


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Anonymous said...

4371 opened up for me today through buddy challenge. JH

Anonymous said...

2 episodes tonight thanks to Buddy...finished to 4115

Anonymous said...

2 episodes tonight thanks to Buddy...finished to 4115

Anonymous said...

New levels open for me. The sticker thing game me a precious spaceship. Now the sticker thing has gone away. At 4375 so far and nothing too bad at this point. OC

motherof4 said...

Buddy challenge opened a few more for me. 4371 to 4385 pretty easy. 4386 to 4400 harder. Stuck at 4408, will try again in the morning. 4389 and 4407 pretty difficult.

sleepless wherever said...
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sleepless wherever said...
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sleepless wherever said...
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sleepless wherever said...

4381 is difficult and needs UFO and hand boosters which I had on ipad.
4383 is like 4361 a nightmare. The single evil spawner needs at least 5 hits in succession or endless chocolates will appear in increasing intensity.
I am stuck here. Impossible level.

Rick said...

This is the first time I am posting in this blog. I used to wait every Wednesday for new episodes but I am now playing the Buddy Challenge, also called Dynamic Duo. Since I played this later than those who are posting already in this blog, I was 5 or 6 episodes behind at one time but I am catching up. I am now in Episode 291 (levels 4341 to 4355) and only maybe 1 or 2 episodes behind now. Before, I have to wait for 48 hours to get the new episode, but by changing my Buddy, I was able to get to a new episode much sooner.
I had some difficulty with level 4351. It took me maybe 7 tries to complete it. I know also that level 4361 is very difficult but somebody just posted that it was made easier. I am not in that level yet but I am getting there.

Anonymous said...

I play on Facebook and have always been a few episodes behind. Every 2 days Buddy opens up 1 or 2 new episodes for me and last night I passed level 4415. Never tried switching Buddies...this way suits me just fine.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick, good to see a familiar name here. My iPhone (play thru kingdom) for 3 days now says no internet connection. I indeed have internet, just not on CC. I’ve tried everything, (reset, shutdown, FB... )

iPad/iPhone not synced. Any help here gang?

On 4327, honestly not liking buddy challenge with new levels every few days. Cookie is way back, I miss the guidance.

motherof4 said...

Buddy is letting me into my 5th new episode in 24 hours. Starting 4431 now....

carlton said...

no...keep it quiet

Anonymous said...

Finished 4371-4385. Had trouble with 4383 and used 20 gold bars to get a UFO. Have depleted all my hammers and hand swaps. Will wait for the next buddy challenge. JH

Rick said...

I just passed 4361. Some posted that it was made easier now, but it is still very hard. The problem is when only one ingredient is left in the conveyor, it keeps on falling back, short of the exit in the bottom. I found out that the waffle dispenser won't create waffles if there are 10 or more waffles on the board. Some waffles have to be destroyed for the waffle generators to make waffles. The ingredient needs a waffle to be able to exit. I passed the level 4361 but I have to use my last hand to do it. I'll play the Sugar Drop first to collect lollipops and hands which I don't have any left, before I tackle 4362.

motherof4 said...

Anyone passed level 4433 yet? It’s killing me. Not many moves, you can’t kill the magic mixers too fast because you need them to make bombs, BUT you have to kill them to get the waffle and licorice orders. I don’t think it’s possible without lots of extra moves.

Anonymous said...

Ditte where are you? OC

Ditte said...
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Ditte said...

I was on the page with comment 1-200, hadn't noticed we'd moved on to a new page. I did wonder, why there was no activity :-) So now I'm behind. 4371 just opened for me with the buddy challenge.

motherof4 said...

Looks like 4445 is the current highest for me. This morning the levels were updated with the hard, etc., labels. I actually think it’s more fun playing without that knowledge, so glad I got through before the update.

Anonymous said...

3303 only has 7 moves. I thought it used to have more?? S

Anonymous said...

I meant 3309 S

Anonymous said...

Holy cow playing thru kingdom & it’s moving at a snails pace today 1/31. Anybody else this happening to?

Anonymous said...

where is everyone? DM

Ditte said...

If you mean king.com then yes. I played there a week ago or so and it was sloooow. I think it has always been a bit slow, but I don't remember it being THAT slow. But yesterday I also thought the win 10 app was pretty slow.

Ditte said...

Welcome Rick. And well done. I never figured out, what to do to get the waffle needed to get the last fruit out in 4361.

Ditte said...

4371-4400 done. Unlike motherof4 I found the first episode more difficult than the second. 4381 and 4382 took a few tries, but not as many as 4380. And while I wouldn't put 4383 in the same category as 4361 it is certainly very very difficult and I used a lot of hands there.
In 4386 I had to many boosters from the love letters, buddy challenge and Rami, so I only had 1 of the 3 red candies needed on the board.
4389 is labeled as a nightmare. I used a hammer for the last jelly, but didn't find it that difficult, but maybe I just had a lucky board first try. 4390 didn't seem difficult either.
In 4391 don't use cb/cb to take out the bombs, then you won't score enough points.4395 took a couple of tries, 4398 difficult but doable.

Anonymous said...

Just completed 4340. Used up 2 ufo and untold boosters. Await the next episode till 4370...the current highest level available it seems.
U can no longer built the space bot using past levels.

Anonymous said...

Where is everybody??? Cookies blog only goes to 4300. I’m on 4341. Not liking this buddy challenge thing, we’re all scattered to the wind now

Anonymous said...

Finally got through 4370 yesterday, depleting the whole stash of boosters. Now left with meagre 3 each of the key boosters... lollipop, hand switch & color bomb. One thing good about the space bot nowadays is that when you lose on one level, one need not start from scratch to build the whole basket of boosters but build only one level of booster lost i.e. win another level without losing life.

Mary-Rose74 said...


Shanne said...


Shanne said...


Shanne said...


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