Levels over 10,000

 This blog is now complete, I will not be doing any more tips or videos after level 10,000.

I will be working on lower levels that have been changed to make them more relevant for newer players who need help.

Thank you all for supporting the blog and the FB group. I may post links to relevant videos but can't guarantee to be able to do this. The FB group is still open and members can often help if you have problems.

You are welcome to post any tips you have for future levels in the comments of this page, however please keep the comments to tips, any irrelevant comments will be deleted.


I am working on a few levels which I know have changed or hard levels that I can manage to do and I will post links here when I do them. Here are the first few.

10003 - 10007 - 1011210141 - 10150 - 10408 - 10414 - 10427 1062810642 - 10852 - 10874 - 1088812175 - 13938

14071 - 1417314709 - 15759


«Oldest   ‹Older   1401 – 1600 of 2137   Newer›   Newest»
Rick said...

I finally join the 12300+ club after winning several more Episode Races all on first try. I am now on level 12305. My gold bar count is now 650.
I am getting disappointed with Candy Royale. I got only 23 and 17 gold bars from my last 2 episodes. It seems the gold bars rewards are getting less and less. I don't know if it is still worth it to wait for it to reset after 24 hours.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Impossible to close level 11452
Need help
So,posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):):)

Rick said...

Catching up a little bit, I am now at level 13336. The last episode (levels 13321 thru 13335) has 4 Nightmarishly Hard and 2 Very Hard Levels but I passed them all on first try. The next episode (levels 13336 thru 13350) has 4 Nightmarishly Levels, 2 Super Hard Levels, and 1 Hard Level. I'll play the episode tomorrow to get a sticker for the Daily Win.
Good luck, everyone!

Rick said...

Done thru 12350 all on first try and won the Episode Race, increasing my gold bars to 761. I also won the Sam's Streak contest last night that gave me my lone piñata.

Fred said...

Level 11452
Is impossible for me
Bye bye

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Stuck way back on 12,039 but Go Bills!

Rick said...

Ditto on Episode 825 (levels 12351 thru 12336) increasing my gold bars to 891.
Congrats to your Bills (Sunny and Mike) for beating my Rams on opening day!

Fred said...

3 days on level 11452
Have only 23 moves as videos shows more
And this is not fair
So posting for lucky board or more moves
Have no boosters left
Can’t get it close
Thanks CC:):):)

Fred said...

Thanks CC :):)

Fred said...

Level 11453 is too hard
It’s enough
Have no boosters left so it’s time

Dolce’ said...

12406 is impossible like really impossible. Just get your piñata ready if you have one, unfortunately I don’t. 🤦‍♀️
Guess I just keep playing it till I get a “lucky board”…..
good luck everyone!

Fred said...

Another very difficult level
Can’t get it close again
No boosters left to close the level
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):):):

Fred said...

Level 11456 of course :)

Rick said...

Hi Carol067, I just completed the episode 12365 thru 12380 all on first try, including 12379.
In 12379, the main problem is the 10 Licorice Swirls, 5 on either side. You have first to unlock it before you can collect them. In addition, these 10 Licorice Swirls order-lock the outside columns which contain jellies covered by multi-layered Toffee Swirls. You won't be able to clear them unless you collect the 10 Licorice Swirls first.
If you can start with a CB combo or use a piñata, it will unlock the Licorice Swirls. That would be a great start. I was not able to start with a CB combo but I used 2 UFOs (one by watching videos and one if my own) and many hammers to pass it. Good luck!

Sunny in Buffalo said...

I'm so far behind but you guys rock! Elektra go Seahawks!

Fred said...

Hello CC
Again a very very hard level 11467
It’s boring
No boosters left so it’s very difficult
Need a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):):):):)

Luís Bernardo said...

No F5. No movies. No candy royal,…. please King 🙏.
Hi guys. On #12499 I recommend you to use the initial check mark ✅ booster otherwise I think it’s impossible to collect the required fishes.
Good luck everyone.

Rick said...

Got to 12410 all on first try to join the 12400 club and won the Episode Race.

Elektra said...

First off, woo-ho, Sunny, for the Bills! And surprise woo-hoo for the Seahawks! (All that yakking yakking yakking about Russell Wilson!)

I’ve been limited to 20 lives/day for taking gifted lives. Still have 5 lives for every 2.5 hours (yawn). It’s ruining playing for me. And a limit of 200 lives/day saved in the envelope. (King apparently calls that “hoarding”.). I’m still working down my lives (about 400 left) so they won’t replenish until they are below 200. Do any of the rest of you have this “feature”?😩

Nonetheless, I’m looking forward to new levels tomorrow. I’ve completed 12500, only 4 on the first try of the 45 levels played. Rick, you are a master. But at least I won the episode races. Can’t see my being able to continue to do that with these problems with lives!

Anyway, good luck everyone.

Luís Bernardo said...

Hi Elektra. I have that feature (I would say problem) since July and the only way I found to overcome/minimize it is to use the Chocolate boxes “strategically” trying to take the most of the free hours lives given by the third and fourth boxes. Whenever possible I use the switch hand to join 2 CB because that solves the level most of the times. In the last episode available I passed 9 levels on my first try which I would say it’s my best result in the last 6 months 😁😉. Good luck everyone and don’t give up. King will certainly revert this awful situation 🙏

Pat said...

I have run out of steam with cc. I could care less about the new candy cup challenge. You do not have a chance when a player is already in the thousands, and the challenge just showed up on your device. Opportunities to win boosters should be implemented again. Well, whatever. It is what it is.

Luís Bernardo said...

Very limited lives. No Fantastic 5. And now…. No episode race.
There is no incentive to play for those that do not intend to buy bars😩😂😩

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 11478 is impossible to close
Need a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks C:):):)

Rick said...

I have no intention of playing an episode today (intending to play it on Sunday) because I have no way of winning the Weekly Contest but I got alarmed by Luis comment that his Fantastic 5 and Episode Race were gone. I lost my Fantastic 5, too but fortunately I still have the Episode Race which I won by completing all the levels on my first try. If the Episode Race is gone, there is no way for us players to win gold bars anymore.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Have only 28 moves
Videos shows 34 !
So can’t get it close :(
Need more moves or a great help :)
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):)

Fred said...

Thanks Cc for level 11482
It’s done

Elektra said...

Luis, yes, I also try to be strategic with the Chocolate Box, but it's getting harder and harder!! Rick, I'm in the same position as Luis -- BOTH episode race and F5 are gone! And to add insult to injury, the green cup challenge started for me and then promptly disappeared. I've contacted King about it, sent them screenshots, etc., but no real help there. (They said wait for the next update and see if it improves! By then, the first stage of the challenge will be over.) So I, too, am very worried about where we can get gold bars. With limits on lives accepted/day, and these other changes, I find that I'm playing much much much less. (I actually never realized how much the episode race drove me to play. Chasing those gold bars...) It seems like it was a stupid business decision for King to make: discouraging us from playing rather than the opposite. As Luis said a few days ago, no incentive to play!! Sad....

Luís Bernardo said...

If you believe in miracles, #12532 can be a very good test to your faith. Totally undoable. So many obstacles that I do not know which strategy is the best to pass the level. I even don’t know if a piñata (I don’t have one😂) can solve this nightmare. Tips are more than well appreciated. Of course King can also redeem his/her sins fixing this calamity🙏🙏🙏.
Very difficult to proceed without any source of bars😂😂

Dolce’ said...

My fab4 is gone as well, not Smart move on their part to continue to make it harder for us. They are making the game so difficult that you cannot win them without using gold bars and for those of us who do not have them they obviously want us to buy them but that’s not happening When it’s so blatantly obvious. All incentive is gone, too bad, it was good for a while….

Rick said...

Got to 12456 all on first try, won the Episode Race, and increased my gold bars to over a thousand. Go Rams!

Rick said...

Got to 12471 all on first try, won the Episode Race, and collected 40 gold bars.
To Luis and Ekektra, maybe if I reach level 12500, I might lose the Episode Race too.

Elektra said...

Luis,I just got to 12532😩😭! I’ve only played it 3 times (so far) and I can’t see what’s up. Gonna use up my daily lives on this one!

Luís Bernardo said...

#12538 is even worst😩😩😩😩and #12544 is undoable without extra moves.

Pat said...

My goal was to make it to level 12500. I finally did. But since there are few chances of getting boosters, I will play at leisure. I did buy gold bars time after time. However, I need to avoid spending money on an endless black hole. This means that I will forever be on level 12514. It has been fun, though.

Mike Baskey said...

Wow - I go away for couple weeks (family illness in NY - better now) and 1). Rick is back - awesome - and 2). the Bills are crushing it!
I got up to 12365 with bot streak of 18 and then hit another brick wall (again on a marked "normal" level).
Rick - on the gold bars, that's my new tablet which I restarted from 0 (now up over 7K gold bars - I even got the whole 500 when I played the Candy Royale (with 10 minutes left) - beat first level and they told me nobody else of the 100 was left so I got the whole lot - seems like a bug). On the FB and old tablet, I'm at 12365 with 24 gold bars.
One new feature (after losing the F5, which sucks!) is the watching adds to get 3 extra moves and a UFO. It's kind of admitting you can't win "normally" (not sure what that means any more) but sure beats playing multiple times and having to use precious gold bars or using hammers/switches (which are limited for me).
Just used it to beat 12365 while writing this :-)
Won the Qualifier in the Candy Cup (new tablet - I missed it on the others as I was away), now playing the "Warm-up" waiting for Friday. I think they promised 50 Pinatas to 10K people - waiting to see what crazy contests they come up for this one.
Hope there are no Miami Dolphin fans here - Rick was gracious on his Rams losing (of course, after winning last Super Bowl, he can afford to :-). Wouldn't want to offend anyone here after Bills go down there Sunday.

Rick said...

Got to 12500 all on first try, won the Episode Race, and collected 40 gold bars to join the elite 12500 club. Although I passed all the levels in the episode on my first try, it is a horrendous episode. In 12486, I have to use 3 hands to switch 3 candies with 5-latered Toffee Swirls on 3 squares in the last column and used a Vertical Paint Brush to send the cherries to the exit and cleared jellies in the other squares. In 12487, I have to use my last piñata to pass it. In 12499, I remembered Luis' tip to use a check booster and passed it first try.

Glad to hear that you are back, Mike. For your information, the Bills are 4.5 points favorite over the Rams pregame. Maybe because the Bills has a better, younger, and more energetic quarterback in Josh Allen who can throw or ran the football effectively. Those double-threat quaterbacks are very hard to defend against.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Have only 20 moves for lève 11490 !
Videos shows more moves and this is not fair
So can’t get it close
Need a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):):)

Rick said...

Done thru 12515 all on first try, but what I feared would happen did really happen. I lost also the Episode Race after reaching level 12500, like what happened to Luis and Elektra. Anyway, I have a little over a thousand gold bars left. I don't know up to what level those gold bars can take me to, but when they are gone, so am I because I won't spend a penny of my own money to continue to play this getting ridiculous game.

Dolce’ said...

Well I think it’s finally time to throw in the towel. Rick I have no idea how you’re getting all these levels on the first try, do you have just so many boosters that you start off with that makes it possible? For us that don’t have any boosters left or gold bars it’s impossible, they are making it impossible. I don’t know why they punish us for being so far in the game but they are. You cannot absolutely not win these games without using extra moves from gold bars when starting with no boosters. It is incredibly boring and frustrating to play a level over and over and over again for days on end I’m just not willing to do it anymore. So time to use up whatever little amount of boosters I have and move onto something else. It’s been fun talking with you all and I wish you all nothing but the best!

Rick said...

To Dolce, to be able to pass a level on first try, I try to start every level with a CB combo which I do about 90% of the time. Sometimes the CBs are too far apart so I used the CBs on the next best thing like a CB/striped or CB/wrapped combo. In the process, I use about 15 hands or more and some hammers every episode to get the CBs together. I usually save enough of these boosters before starting an episode.
One "benefit" of this no Episode Race anymore play is that you can now play leisurely, maybe just one or a few levels a day (at least for stickers in the Daily Win). In an Episode Race, you won't be able to do that, otherwise you will just lose tbe race.

Dolce’ said...

Thank you Rick… You really a master at this! Stay safe and awesome! 🤗

Rick said...

Done thru 12545 all on first try. The level that I almost did not complete on first try is 12544. I was short by 7 Licorice Swirls for the order. It's a good thing when the wraps of UFO (by watching ads) exploded, 7 Licorice Swirls fell and I was able to collect them and complete the level on my first try. If I only knew that will happened, I could have started with the a check booster.
I was also able to win the Weekly Contest on my 4th try and collevted badly needed hands and hammer boosters.
I had to use 10 gold bars to complete one level. I thought I would get 3 extra moves by watching ads but no offer like that came, so I was forced to use 10 gold bars for 5 extra moves to pass it on my first try.
Good luck to everone!

Luís Bernardo said...

Hi guys. I’m in the waiting room, which means I completed #12590 and with a miracle 🙏😁😁😁. I didn’t spend any bar with the last episode and passed 10 levels on my first try. Pay attention to level 12582 once it’s not easy to figure out how the last cherry drops. Go to video before playing. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

It looks like no new episodes came out last Wednesday, Sept. 21. My last level is also 12590 which came out on Sept. 14. There should have been 3 new episodes up to 12635. What's going on?

Elektra said...

Hmmmm, Rick. I got 3 episodes on Wednesday 9/21: 12546-12590. I play on iPad -- maybe it's a platform glitch? I also agree with you about the new, leisurely pace of play w/o the episode race. I didn't realize (didn't want to face?) that I was so focused on CCS, even when I wasn't playing, to make sure I was still ahead so I could win the 40 GBs, that I had literally "checked out" of the other things in my life that are more important: family, board work, etc. And I had forgotten how much I love to read!! I'm thinking that King made a big business blunder because it seems that more of us are now stretching out our play and not necessarily getting into the waiting room before the next levels come out. I don't think I'll ever go back, even if Episode Race comes back. My compulsion to play was also spurred on by my F5 team -- I didn't want to let them down and not pull my weight -- and now that's gone too.

And Dolce, I'm totally in sync with how boring and frustrating it is to play a level over and over and over again and not see any way to pay w/o gold bars and/or boosters. I know that most of you on this blog never spend any money on CCS, but I do. It used to be $1.99 here and there and then $30, and I realized that I was spending way more than I should, and had no control over myself. So now, I spend $100 ($110.24 with tax) 3x/year. I get 1000 GBs for the $100 and I make it last for about 17 weeks. I also get 100 points with that purchase towards the Royalty Rewards, so I get an additional 10 or 50 or more of GBs, or a bunch of boosters, so it makes me feel like I'm still getting a good deal. Of course the episode race helped a lot since I was usually assured of winning all 3 episodes for total of 120 GBs. But even w/o those, I'm thinking that it will work out. I had to ask myself whether CCS was worth $300/year for me and have decided that it is. I make each 1000 GBs last between 15 and 20 weeks, although some of you -- I mean you, Rick!! -- have figured out a different strategy that works w/o spending money.

I don't know if any of you have answered the latest survey from King. But I noticed a distinct change in tone from King in the questions. They seem to be worried that we are getting frustrated or even angry, because many of the questions were trying to assess how compulsive we are about playing; how it makes us "feel".

Anyway, that's it from me today. For those of you, like me, who are celebrating today, L'Shana Tovah!

Rick said...

Hi Elektra,

FYI, I don’t have the latest figures but in 2018, Candy Crush Series made $1.5B in via microtransactions. Buying a little of this and a little of that in (gold bars) is called microtransactions. Certain microtransactions fall somewhere in between cosmetic enhancements and pay-to-win. The well-known mobile game Candy Crush Saga encourages purchasing what we'll call “status boosting” microtransactions, where your online ranking may be influenced by how much you've spent on the game.

The original Candy Crush Saga still commands the largest chunk, accounting for 63% of the total earnings at $945 million. The second most popular is the Soda Saga version earning $443 million and 29% of the total. Even the 3-year old Jelly Saga brought in $90 million or 6% of the total revenue in 2018. Lastly, there is also the newest addition to the series back in October 2018 called Candy Crush Friends. It brought in a respectable $3 million so far and has been installed 30 million times.
The series added close to 230 million new mobile players last year. Which is its most since 2016 and a 17 percent increase over 2017.
KING Games (King.com) is now a subsidiary of Activision now, who bought the company in 2016 for a whopping $5.9 billion.

Regarding the survey, many players like me are “self-proclaimed” NO BUYs, We won’t spend a penny of our own money to buy anything at all. I think Candy Crush knows that they earned (probably more) through the ads they make us watch when we want additional moves, etc. If we NO BUYs players quit the game, fewer players will watch these ADS and their bottom line will suffer.

Regarding the dates of the episodes, I used Excel to propagate my Episode/Date list. I might have inputted a wrong date somewhere that threw my dates off. Anyway, I’ll check. Also, I was much behind before that I don’t know which episodes came on what dates.

Elektra said...

That's so interesting, Rick. But now I have some follow-up questions! I'm wondering about the "status boosting" microtransactions, which you explain can cause online ranking to be influenced by how much a player's spent. So does this mean that, because I spend money (whether it was previously in bits and pieces $0.99 to $30.00, or now in $100 chunks), I may be getting (I am getting?) a different (higher) online ranking than I would have otherwise had? And what does online ranking mean for CCS? Is it the number that's at the bottom-left of my profile picture frame, a number which I have never been able to find correlates to anything else in my game? Or do you mean that because I spend money, they'll give me easier boards more often so that my "ranking" -- meaning my level on the playing board -- will be higher? Also, I've never had the opportunity to watch an ad to get boosters. Is that because I spend money already, and King (Activision) wants to get advertising revenue from the people, like you, who never spend money?

I'm not surprised by the revenue numbers you've quoted. My daughter periodically sends me a TicToc about some woman who's spent $20,000 or more on CCS, so I know that there are very big spenders. I'm sure my $300/year pales compared with those, but as a now-retired business person, I know that the little guys who consistently come back with repeat business are a nice, stable, line of revenue.

Anyway, thanks for the info!

Rick said...

I just gathered the information from websites and the author of the website did not explain or elaborate on "status boosting". I can't think either of how a player can boost his or her image. I have a number also (178) on the lower but I don't pay any attention to that. It does not explain how good a player really is because a player on much lower levels can have a higher number. I am also thinking of the banner on the player's icon head (I have a 10000 banner) but it is not specific either. I see players with 3000 and 4000 banners. At least it shows what level you have played on, but the banner does not get updated. When you tap on your profile, it will show what level you are currently on, but it is not public information. You cannot tap on another player's icon to see what level that player is currently on.

Rick said...

Hey guys, the Episode Race is back! It has a new look and gives now 45 gold bars instead of 40. I just won one by completing on first tries the last episode thru 12590. Good luck, everyone!

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 11492
Have only 20 moves
Videos shows 23 pr 26
So.. again this is not fair
Need more moves or a great help :)
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):):)

Shanne said...


Rick said...

Done thru 12605 all on first try, won the the Episode Race, and collected 45 gold bars. The only thing is that I have to buy a UFO and some boosters and I had a net loss on gold bars.
12601 is the hardest because you have to use a lot of resources to make the final 2 cherries to come out and to exit.

Mike Baskey said...

Wow - Rick comes back from the dead and he's back to his feverish pace. I'm slowly getting back after 2 weeks away - beat 12366 and 12367 without gold bars, then lost a couple games on 12368 until one of my friends "beat a hard level and cheered me on" - next try I got lucky board and finished it with 5 moves to spare. Never saw this before - would like to know how I can "cheer somebody on".
Still hanging onto my 24 gold bars at the higher levels. Been focusing on my new tablet which has 8K gold bars and in the Candy Cup semifinals. So far, just been green candies for first 2 rounds (level 3309 my friend!) - I noticed they dramatically changed 1476 which is now tough to complete, much less get 1000's of color candies and hundreds of "squares" (senior moment, can't remember what they're called). The promise of 30 pinatas is tantalizing - we'll see what they make the semifinal round tomorrow about.
I think over the 10 years I've been playing this game, spent about $4 total (2x got frustrated enough to buy my way out of what seemed like deadends at the time). I kept my pride for about 6 years then gave in.
Anyway, been nice knowing you Rick for the short time we were on similar levels. You've left us so far in the dust (again) that I suspect we won't see you again :-)

Rick said...

Done thru 12620 all on first tries, won the Episode Race, collected 45 gold bars, and got a sticker for the Daily Win. Although I passed all the levels on first tries, it is a hard episode. I have to watch ads for 5 extra moves (no UFO anymore) on 3 or 4 occasions to complete the levels on first try.
My tip on 12620 is to use hammers to collect the keys on the top corners to open up the board. I don't see any other way how you can collect those keys.

Mike, sorry your Bills lost. I was rooting for them but they lost to the Dolphins. If only the receiver was able to go out of bounds before time expired, the Bills could have at least tried a long field goal to win the game. NFL should have made that game the mationally televised game or at least the Monday Night game. But those games are predetermined ahead of time. It is the network luck if the teams are both undefeated or not.

Rick said...

I forgot to mention that King has intoduced a subtle "streak breaker". Your game will suddenly and unexpectedly close on you for no apparent reason. You have start the level all over again. It has happened to me twice. Has it happened to somebody else, too?

Rick said...

In 12620, I replayed it and there are 2 Vertical Bon Bon Blitzes on the bottom corners to collect those keys but they are order-locked by green candies, i did not see it (especially if you under time pressure because of the Episode Race) so I used 2 hammers to collect them.

Shanne said...


Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here but way back on 12,066, you guys rock! Go Bills!!!

Rick said...

Done thru 12635 all on first tries, won the Episode Race, collected 45 gold bars, and got a sticker for the Daily Win. Although I passed all the levels on first tries and there is no designated hard or harder level, it is a hard episode indeed. I have to watch ads for 5 extra moves on 3 or 4 occasions and bought 2 UFOs to complete every level on first try.
I also won the just concluded Weekly Contest and collected much needed hand boosters which I use to get 2 CBs together to start levels with a CB combo to get a really good chance of completing those levels on first try. Although I had a 18 level lead, I was saving this last episode just in case.
Good luck to everyone. Till Wednesday for new levels.

MP said...

The game started 10 years ago as being a challenge and some strategy was required.
From what Rick wrote it's now a billion dollar venture just by selling boosters to players.
So the game has now been made impossible to win without boosters.
The only way the game can be played for free is with a full bot with 3extra moves, adding a CB and starting by switching the CBs.
Passing on first try and winning Episode race is a must as it's the only way to get free GBs (+10 from chocolate box every three days). In this way I earn 140 or 150 GBs for every episode + some UFOs from the Daily win.
After quite some time my Episode race with a reward of 40 GBs and chocolate box are back.
I am now also occasionally offended to watch ads for boosters and extra moves, so I'll be catching up from 12530 as I didn't play new levels while I was without the starting bot, despite having a very nice pile of hands, hammers and GBs.

Luís Bernardo said...

I full agree with Rick and MP. I would like to see King passing this last episode without robust boosters. Some levels are absolutely undoable. Glad to get rid of this nightmare. Good luck everyone 🍀

Rick said...

I think the levels got harder from 9990 onward. Now, levels cannot be passed by skill alone. You need brute force now (i.e. use boosters) and/or extra moves. It is probably the reason why Cookie stop giving tips after level 10000 because her tips are mostly for passing levels without boosters, just skill. The moves have been also reduced purposely to make us watch ads which King earns a lot from advertisers. The programmers are under pressure to make the levels harder so that players will buy gold bars to acquire boosters and/or watch profitable ads. King has to earn much more somehow because Activision overpaid in acquiring it.

Fred said...

Hello CC level 11494 is too,hard for me
No boosters left
Nothing to help me to close the level
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):)
Thanks for you’re help

jenn2727 said...

Thank.you for the tips...
Posting for luck one last time for level 10017 lol 😆

Rick said...

Done thru 12650 all on first tries, won the Episode Race, collected 45 gold bars, and got a sticker for the Daily Win. For quite a while, I did not have to buy any booster to complete an episode, so I was able to get my gold bars over a thousand again. I am saving the next 2 episodes for stickers in the Daily Win.
This Sam Streak is crazy. When I opened Candy Crush before, I was asked to start Sam Streak but I declined because there are no new levels yet. Now that the new levels came out, I was not ask about Sam's Streak, otherwise I should have gotten a big kead because I completed all the lecels on first tries.

Pat said...

I am angry. I was in first position with this new challenge when I went to bed. When I woke up, I was in second position. I was ripped off. So, those who have loads of boosters will always win the contests. Those of us who have nothing will continue to have nothing. I fell like and idiot to have allowed myself to become entangled with this game which is rigged. No more buying; no more contests; no more for me.

Rick said...

Done thru 12665, won the Episode Race, collected 45 gold bar and completed the Daily Win. Levels 12661 thru 12665 are killer levels. Have your gold bars ready to buy boosters and/or extra moves. I have to use a lot of gold bars in completing those levels that I spent much more gold bars that what I have won so that I have gold bars now below a thousand again.
Use a check candy booster in 12662. I use a lot of boosters to make the Licorice Swirls fall but nothing fell. I let my first try streak end and use a check candy booster the second time and pass it.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Another hard level 11497
Have no boosters left
Means time to stop definitely
Bye bye

Fred said...

Level 11497 is impossible
No way for me

Unknown said...

Thanks cookie. I still need help though! I'll posts tips as I pass crazy levels. Go pfl and luck lucky board. Not time to quit!!

Luís Bernardo said...

I full agree with Rick. Episode 12650/65 is absolutely insane. King and the programmers are kidding with us. Most of the levels are undoable without extra moves and/or robust boosters. Episode race disappeared again. I think it’s a clear invitation to exit the game for those that never spent money with it. Good luck everyone.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 11503
Have only 24 moves and videos shows 30 and this is not fair
Waiting for a lucky board
Thanks CC:):):)

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here, way back on 12,080, just inching along. Good luck to all & Go Bills!

Rick said...

Done thru 12680 all on first tries, won the Episode Race, collected 45 gold bars, and got a sticker for the Daily Win. I thought I could finish the last episode without buying moves or boosters but I was wrong. I still have to buy them in the last few levels, so I have a net loss on gold bars again. Anyway, till Wednesday for new levels. Good luck to everyone.

Mike Baskey said...

So, new one from King this morning. I was playing level 3309 to win green candies for the Candy Cup (which I won the final on my new tablet - yeah!) and today, 3309 is totally different. Instead of getting 100's (typically 700-1000) or sometimes 8000, even with the multiple colors showing up when you complete the level, you get around 100. Guess they noticed some of us playing same level to get the green candies. My understanding is you have to logon every day for next 30 days to get 1 pinata/day (you can save them supposedly) - we'll see tomorrow (otherwise, played a lot of times to get 4 of each booster - minus UFOs and pinatas.
I'm in the middle of Luis/Rick and Sunny (how bout them Bills!) at 12393. My old tablet got stuck at 12365. said I had to update but don't have enough storage to do that so I deleted and reinstalled. Recovered to same point with boosters and gold coins (all 24 of them) but still won't go past 12365. Data shows 7/7/2022 so I guess they don't give you new image - you still have to update to get latest levels/features so I'm giving up on the old tablet and just playing online with Facebook.
Judging from the comments on the levels ahead, I'll probably go slow on the newer levels and focus on my new tablet (just got to 5000). I feel very "Rick-like" when I win every Sam's streak and episode race each week (up over 8600 gold bars) and even the Candy Royales (which almost never see on the newer levels).
Hope there are no Kansas City Chief fans on this blog - Buffalo really wants to beat them next week after the last 2 years of heartbreaking losses. We need them to come to Buffalo in January and play some real football in the snow and wind :-)

Luís Bernardo said...

Today I’m in a more optimistic wave than Rick. Done thru #12680 and completed last episode only with timed boosters. I won the episode race that is back again although with 40 bars instead of 45 and I received the first piñata of the promised 30 (😁😁😁😁) once I was one of the 10000 winners of candy cup. I’m going to celebrate 🙏🙏. Good luck everyone

Rick said...

Done thru 12695 all on first tries, won the Episode Race, collected 40 gold bars (reduced to 40 now from 45), and got a sticker for the Daily Win. It is a ridiculous episode. You will find out when you play it. I had a net loss of over 250 gold bars by buying extra moves and boosters. At the rate I am spending gold bars, it won't take long before they are gone. Unless King change it's "strategy", I will be also be gone for good,

Elektra said...

I’m just getting started on this week’s episodes. I’m on 12681 and to my horror I’ve lost the ability to get 35 extra moves 😭. Just the extra 5 for 10 GBs. This happened a few weeks ago and I let myself get lured into using GBs: 10 for first 5 then 16 for another 5 and 25 for next. Can’t do that this time. So I’m gonna chill and hope I get that feature back. Good luck to you all!

Fred said...

Hello CC
How can you close level 11506 with 25 moves ,
Videos shows 33 !
Not fair

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12695 without spending any bar and playing with the timed boosters (chocolate box) and full initial “first try streak “. 2 very difficult levels: #12685/8. Do not use a CB/CB on #12685 and avoid to combine any boosters on your initial moves. I Can’t say if the 35 moves are active but if not and according to the difficulty of some levels I think it will be impossible to proceed. Good luck everyone.

Elektra said...

Miraculously, I got the 35 extra moves option back today. I'm gonna need all of them plus more since I'm currently stuck on 12685. Good luck to all.

Rick said...

Done thru 12710 and won the episode race. King removed the bot so there is only one CB now on the board (my own) and I cannot start with a CB combo. As a result I was struggling. There is a lot of hard level in this episode that I don't know how one can complete it without using a UFO and/or piñata which I have none so I have to buy them. My gold bars are now below 500. When they're gone, I will be gone for good too. Anyway, I have enjoyed playing the game over the years but now the levels have become so hard that they become stressful to play already and not enjoyable anymore.

cvbcb said...

11128…not enough moves. Need lucky board… pfl

Pat said...

My 35 extra moves were taken away today. I guess I won't be playing for a while. The levels are designed for failure with the designed number of moves.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Another impossible level for me
Level 11507
Can’t get it close
So,posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Rick said...

Done thru 12725 and won the Episode Race. This last episode is designed to get rid of your boosters and gold bars. King is succeeding because I have less than 300 gold bars left and near quitting time for good. There are no more videos to get extra moves so I have to use my gold bars to buy them. A lot of the levels in this episode have thick layers of Toffee Swirls and blockers on the bottom of the board so that you will need UFOS to clear them. Good luck to everybody. I am NOT looking forward to the new levels coming on Wednesday.
To Mike and Sunny, congrats to your Bills for beating today their nemesis, Mahomes and the Chiefs. I myself don't like Mahomes.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12725. Rick is absolutely right. Terrible episode. I played with the CB of the chocolate box and the full initial streak, I was helped with plenty of adv, I won the race and despite all of that I finished the episode with a net loss of 80 bars 😰. To minimize the damage try to start with a CB/CB whenever you can even if you need to use hammers or switches. Most of the boards have several layers and it will clear one of them. Goos luck everyone.

cvbcb said...

Level 11158 is ridiculous… need lucky board PFL

Fred said...

One week on the level 11507 is impossible
Bye bye

Rick said...

Done thru 12740 all on first try and won the Episode Race. After huge net losses of gold bars in the previous episodes, I had a net gain this time of just 2 gold bars. It's a small gain but I'll take it anytime as long as it is a net gain and not a net loss. Good luck, everyone!

Flippenheck said...

How the heck have ye cracked 12721

Andruzz said...

Done thru 12755. Lost my episode race. Lost many boosters and bars. This was the hardest episode of the long time i know. Good luck to everyone!

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12755. I full agree with Andruzz. One of the most difficult episodes so far😂😂😂. No more skills or strategy are required. Only boosters and bars. Designed to get rid of players that do not intend to spend money. I passed the episode only because I had won piñatas in the candy cup context. Good luck everyone.

Rick said...

Guys, I have some good news and bad news for you. The good news is that the gold bars for winning the Episode Race was increased to 55 from 40, which I won on the last episode. (I also won the just concluded Weekly Contest). The bad news is level 12673. I think there is a bug in it. There is an order of 45 Licorice Swirls in it and one game I just needed one more to pass it. I spent many gold bars and booster to make the last Licorice Swirl to drop to no avail. I have been playing it maybe 20 times already and I don't want to spend any more gold bars on it (I have less than a 100 now). Maybe my coopetitosrs in the Episide Race are also stuck on that level because we are stopped at the same line.

Rick said...

Sorry, I meant level 12763, not 12673.

Rick said...

I finally passed 12763, completed the episode to 12770 and collected 55 gold bars, but I have only 67 gold bars left and quitting time is getting nearer. The kind of levels King is putting now will surely make the players lose a lot of boosters and gold bars. I am not enthusiastic about the new levels coming out this Wednesday because I am sure they are killer levels like the ones I just completed. I just want to wish everyone good luck.

Rick said...

One easiest way for King to make levels more difficult for us players is to GREATLY reduce the number of moves, for instance, the hardest level in the previous episode (I think) is 127348. Videos show 28 moves but we get only 20 moves (8 moves make a lot of diffirence). I have to buy at least
one each of UFO and piñata to pass it first try. In another hard level, 12753, the moves were reduced from 25 to 20. Although I passed both levels on ny first try (I passed all the levels on first fry in that episode except 12741) I have to use more boosters and gold bars to compensate for those lost moves that King took away from us, which King really intended to make us buy extra moves and/or gold bars.
In the last episode, the hardest definitely is 12763. Videos show 29 moves but the actual moves given to us is only 20. One thing more, you cannot add a check candy booster to start the game. I fully agree with Luis' statement tbat no more sklll or strategy are needed, just boosters and gold bars. Anyway, i won't miss anything by quitting after enjoying playing the game for some years because as I have said earlier, playing these new levels now is not fun anymore but just becomes stressful.

Rick said...

In my previous comment, I meant 12748, not 127348.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12770. I passed all levels on my first try except #12759. I received an Oops! before my first move and I didn’t understand why. On #12763 avoid to make moves close to the existing black licorice. It’s counter-intuitive but if you want to get additional licorice you can’t hit it directly. That’s why we can see in the videos people launching piñatas and UFOs. If you clear the board ignoring the existing licorice there will be no problem in getting more. Good luck everyone

Rick said...

Done thru 12785 all on first try, won the Episode Race, and collected 55 much needed gold bars. However, I have to buy some boosters and had a net gain of only 17 gold bars.

King is also good at teasing. Before the new levels came out, every time I open Candy Crush, I was asked to play Sam's Streak. Now that the new levels are available I was never asked to play it.

It is very hard to win the Weekly Contest, especially for us in the Wednesday Club. You are matched with players in the 3000 or 4000 range. Not only that they have thousands of levels to play and complete, the levels are easier, too. Whereas, we are limited to 45 levels and have much harder levels to play.

Rick said...

Guys, have you noticed? King asks us to update so that the Candy Crush icon has this "10 Years of Fun" thing. King should have added, "Now is the beginning of the Years of Stress". Ha ha.

kik said...

Since I 'updated' I have lost my chocolate box and sweet cinema, no boosters left- no chance of getting anywhere. Stuck on 12736 for a week! Losing my addiction haha...kik

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12800. This last episode has several very difficult levels😂. On #12786, another “counter-intuitive” level I suggest you to use the initial ✔️ booster. I also lost the chocolate box 😰😰. Good luck everyone

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 11509 is impossible for me
Each level is too hard so have no fun anymore to play
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Fred said...

Thanks CC :):):)

Andruzz said...

Level 12802 is impossible even with 35 extra moves....

Rick said...

It's tragic or funny (depending on how you look at it) how I ended playing Candy crush. I'm on the last level of the episode at 12800 with one cherry to clear on the 8th row to pass the level. I just need one hand or hammer to clear the cherry to win the Episode Race and collect 55 gold bars but I don't any and I have only 1 gold bar left. It's not enough to buy any booster at all, so I cannot go on anymore. I promised that I won't spend a penny of my own money to continue playing the game, so I just deleted the Candy Crush program from my tablet.
The way King is putting out these levels, you will need to buy UFOs or piñatas to passed some of them. The 55 gold bars I would have won won't last for long anyway.
Good luck to those who are still playing the game. For me, King succeeded in making me quit. That is one person less not to watch ads King is putting out to make some money, so I don't know who really loses here, King or me but I'm sure it's not me.

Mike Baskey said...

I guess us Buffalo Bills fans are spending more time watching football and less time playing CC :-) Not as far back as Sunny (just up to 12419 today - bot streak of 12, still got my 34 gold bars). Picked up UFO from the orange candy contest this week - playing slowly allowed me to get CBs, fish, wrap/stripes in the 20-30 range each - had 2 UFOs which were my insurance policy allowed me to get this far without using gold bars.
Apologies to Rick and others on my new tablet (just got to 5555 today) as I'm able to win not only the episode races but the weekly contest pretty much every week. Seems to be the same group in the weekly contest every week - AFAIK they're in the same range of levels I'm in. Wind up using the ADs rather than gold bars to complete tough levels (amazes me that even with full bot there are some levels I don't beat first time - mostly when can't get 2 CBs together to start) so able to get over 1K gold bars now and keep bot streak intact. 3 ads and you get a UFO to use - pretty much win every time (except when there's the square with 8 blockers that UFO won't hit usually).
Anyway, you trailblazers like Rick and Luis keep it up - the rest of us will benefit (eventually) from all your hard work (and increased stress!). Thanks!

R Gord said...

Done through 12815. Used a lot of boosters but not many gold bars. Hard to believe Rick blew through over 1000 gold bars in less than amonth. I'm very frugal with my gold bars as I don't have many and will usually just part with them when there is a good chance of clearing a level (usually with the 35 extra moves). I rarely win a level on the first try but because I give and receive lives every day, my chances of getting the lucky board increases. Most of the gold bars I get are from Royalty Rewards and the episode race. 4 episodes ago I was 3rd and received 1 gold bar. I won the last 3 episode races and received 20, 30 and 40 gold bars. Good luck to all and just keep plugging away.

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12815. It was a very tough episode. I didn’t spend any bar but I lost my initial streak because I didn’t complete some levels on my first try. Anyway, I won the episode race and I added more 55 bars to my inventory. I recommend you to see the videos because there are several levels in which the fish and the ✔️ initial boosters are crucial. Using the switch to join to CB to start the level is absolutely indispensable. Good luck everyone

Andruzz said...

Done through 12815. Absolutely insane episode again. Half levels need 35 extra moves and lots of bars. Actually i don't believe that someone past this episode without spending bars. Maybe if you have UFOs and pinatas, then its possible. Anyone can play this game, if you have huge package of party boosters, which i dont have. Soon my game will be over. I got a few bars and hands/hammers left. Good luck to everyone!

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12830. I found this episode a little bit easier than the previous one although I must point out that I played with timed boosters and the full initial streak all the time. # 12829 was the most difficult to me and I had to use a piñata that I won in the candy cup contest. I don’t see how that level can be passed without it or lots of UFO. Again, the ✔️ Initial booster is very important to pass some levels in which blue and red candies are required. Good luck everyone.

Flippenheck said...

Cannot get near with12787. Help please

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here,, stuck on 12,184, just plugging away, Go Bills!

Andruzz said...

Is anybody has managed level 12841 without ufo or partybooster? Just 35 extra moves doesnt help me here....

Luís Bernardo said...

Done thru #12860. Last episode is a nightmare. At least 3 of the levels require a piñata or “thousands” of less robust boosters. I do not understand the rationale but if the difficulty is the same to all of us it seems that King wants to finish this game as soon as possible. See the videos before you play. Sometimes it helps but you will also notice that now some of them mention that levels are impossible. Good luck everyone.

cvbcb said...

Level 11327 needs Lucky Board. Not nearly enough moves to get everything finished. PFL

cvbcb said...

Level 11327 is ridiculous. Not Enough moves PFL

Flippenheck said...

Cannot see how it is possible to do 12832. Help needed please

Flippenheck said...

Now gone from 5 moves to 28 moves in level 12832. Still not getting near!!!!!!! Oh help please!!!!!!

Flippenheck said...

12832 is wrecking my head

Flippenheck said...

Hete we go again with 12835. Help needed please

Mike Baskey said...

Limping along up thru 12455 now. One suggestion on 12450 (those of us in the back of the pack) is to balance the frog on the right side with the color bomb triggers on the left side (unless you can clear the jellies after clearing the keys). I lost track of moves and had to use 10 precious gold bars (down to 34) to keep my streak going (up to 13 now - had one of those fruit baskets which helped me start bot streak).
The purple candy contest is hard if you can't keep beating new levels to get the 10x multiplier. Don't have a go to level for purple candies (like 8238 is for blue/green/yellow/CBs/stripes). On my new tablet, I play 1000 for 600 at a pop but scrolling back to 1000 from 12K is more than my carpel tunnel can handle :-)
11000 and 9000 can give 250-350 but not going to win this contest. Be nice to have a pinata at this level (got 51 on my new tablet but none on Facebook. "If only you could share!"

Shanne said...


Passeio fluvial said...

O nível 12829 é IMPOSSÍVEL somente com 20 movimentos. Duvido alguém conseguir sem ajuda. Por favor conserte isso, tem que ser com mais de 30 movimentos.
Por favor mande uma placa de sorte. Postado por sorte

Flippenheck said...

Help needed for 12844 please

Passeio fluvial said...

Impossível passar da fase 12835 somente com 20
movimentos sem ajuda. Por favor mande uma placa de sorte.
Postado por sorte

Flippenheck said...

Cannot get near with 12844. Help please

Fred said...

Hello CC

Thanks for your great help :):):)
Jump to 12630
I’m so happy

Dolce’ said...

Hi all! 🙋‍♀️ Looks like there aren’t any more levels after 12,905. They have the tournament 😏 but no levels after that as of yet as far as I hear? It’s hard waiting for new ones! 😂😂

Luís Bernardo said...

Also in the waiting room (done thru #12905). Two very difficult episodes with several levels undoable without the party booster.
King is becoming more and more skinflint. The episode race victory gives now only 45 bars and, in the most difficult levels, even if you have the initial full streak the 2 CB don’t appear on board at the same time and so you can not join them and clear the firs layer of the entire board. I understand why lots of people are posting that they are abandoning the game and move to Royal Match😉

Rick said...

Sooner or later, King will start firing the Candy Crush programmers because fewer and fewer players are playing the latest levels that they create (only Dolce and Luis that I know of), that is why I cannot understand why the programmers are making the newest levels very difficult unless they have orders from top management, because these hard levels will just ultimately make them lose their jobs. Ha ha.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Like Mike I'm "limping along" way behind on #12,212. Still have chocolate box but no videos, good luck everyone!

Flippenheck said...

Need help now for 12859 please

Flippenheck said...

Not getting anywhere near with 12859. Not menough boosters left to do ant damage either

Dolce’ said...

Well, there is more games this morning after 12,905. Honestly I have to say waiting a few days for the new ones was kind of nice I was hoping to get over my addiction! L O L but they continuously make them impossible without using up your gold bars or boosters. I am not spending a dime so once mine run out that’s it for me as well. Rick are you really done??

Flippenheck said...

Any tips for 12859, it is breaking my heart

Dolce’ said...

Flippinheck, I just went back and played it a few times with no avail! All I can say is at these levels you need so many boosters and gold bars otherwise you could be on a level for days & days. It’s not even about skill or luck, king has made it so difficult It’s about them controlling your game and them dictating when you should win… you will get through it sooner or later it just is so darn boring and frustrating. Best of luck! 🤦‍♀️

Flippenheck said...

Every second one is giving me bother. Now stuck on 12868

Flippenheck said...

Thanks Dolce. Yes getting very frustrating and what you say is true. I have only a handful of boosters and gold bars left so am trying to use them wisely. I finally got through on that one but didn't move toofar and now will be a while on 12868. It's an awful addiction and affliction 😂😭😭

Elektra said...

I completely agree with Dolce and Flippenheck. I have slowed down — still working on last week’s levels — but I decided to not participate in the episode race, which has made a huge difference in my addiction. Plus even going at a slow pace 3-5 days per episode, it turns out that the “losers’ episode race” which you fall back to, nets between 20 and 50 GBs. Staying on top of “who’s gaining on me,” “am I still in 1st, 2nd etc place?” meant that I wasn’t really “present” in most other aspects of my life. Talking to my husband but at the same time thinking, “I better check my CCS status”, for example. It made me mad at myself. I’m not sure I can sustain playing without those 120 GBs per week from episode race, but I’m beginning to care less (just a teeny weeny bit) about playing. So I’ll see. I still have chocolate box, but not the bot (haven’t for years), and I never had videos. The extra 3 turns that come from friends (new perk for me) is cute but doesn’t do much since I almost always need 35 extra moves. Anyway, good luck to all, as well as to everyone’s football team (unless you’re playing our Seahawks🤗!)

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 12931

This level,is impossible
Use boosters but no way
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:)

Fred said...

Level,12946 is different as videos shows
Also have only 20 moves and note 31 !
So very frustrating very difficult
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Passeio fluvial said...

Fase 12871 IMPOSSÍVEL, nos dão apenas 20 movimentos, acho que nem
Se acrescentar os 35 extras eu seria capaz de passar.

Por favor mande uma placa de sorte. Postado por sorte.

Flippenheck said...

12877 is another nasty one. Help needed please

R Gord said...

On level 12937, unless you have pinatas and/or UFOs resign yourself to the fact that you will be spending gold bars for extra moves. 20 licorice are needed and these are dispensed from the bottom of the grid from columns 2 and 8. I gave up trying and just played til I got 35 extra moves. Don't buy the extra moves until the bottom 3 rows have been cleared as there will be nowhere for the licorice to dispense and you will be using the extra moves to clear the bottom 3 rows rather than trying to clear the licorice. I repeat "Licorice will not be dispensed until columns 2 or 8 have been unblocked".

Mike Baskey said...

In the latest head scratcher from CC, these new Cake Quests start off with "clear 14 chocolates". Tried playing older level (hard to find ones with chocolate) at 3711 but got no credit for clearing the chocolate. So, seems they want you to play new levels but of course, how do you know which ones have chocolate (if you can even get to them). Plus, the reward is only somewhat worthwhile if you get to the 4th quest.
Well, at least the Bills finally won - guess the gods felt sorry for them with all the snow in Buffalo this weekend. My cousin in Orchard Park has over 6 feet of snow in her driveway and has been stranded for over 3 days.

I echo Rick's comments about firing the programmers (I can't envision getting to the latest levels, being almost 500 levels behind) - maybe they can get jobs at Twitter :-)

Luís Bernardo said...

Very bad news guys. Episode #12935/50 is probably the programmers’ masterpiece so far (absolutely awful). I spent more than 100 bars to buy robust boosters and won only 45 in the episode race. Hell is the nicer place I would choose to send programmers on vacation 😉.
Att Mike: you can use older levels to get the chocolate. I used #196.
Good luck.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here, stuck on #12,234. Luis, Mike & Elektra you rock! Yeah Bills...

Elektra said...

Sunny, I hope the snow has treated you well. Couldn’t keep the Bills down! As for CCS, I'm letting myself get further and further behind, Much more fun, so far. I haven’t run out of GBs yet but that can happen quickly. In the last episode, there were 2 levels where I spent 51 gold bars (each) for extra moves (10+16+25)😩. Good luck everyone!

Flippenheck said...

12880 is just impossible

Rick said...

Mike and Sunny, congrats to your Bills. (My defending champion Rams are going down the drain this year). Even a 7-foot snow can't stop the Bills although the game has to be played somewhere else.
Mike, the Candy Crush programmers won't stay long at Twitter. Elon Musk will fire them as quick for sure.
I haven't played Candy Crush since I have only 1 gold bar left. Based on the comments here, it won't do me any good even if I win several Episode Races.
Anyway, if I find a miracle, I can start playing again. I am at 12800.
I wonder how Luis and Dolce can continue playing. Do you guys have a big stock of major boosters and gold bars? I hope you don't buy the gold bars, which is what King wants you to do.

Andruzz said...

My game ends now. Level 12887 needs another 35 extra moves. I have 3 gb left. There is no chance to earn them anymore. No chance to earn party boosters. During my 8 year gamer seniority I havent paid a penny for gb's (never will). Maybe someday this game will continue for me. Thank you all for the tips!! And by the way - it's just a game.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Have only 22 moves as videos shows 35 !!!
Is this fair ?
So posting for lucky board again
Thanks CC :):):)

Fred said...

Oups !
Spoke about level 12956
Impossible to close with 22 moves
So ……

Luís Bernardo said...

Good news this time. I found episode #12950/65 much easier than the previous ones.
Att Pascorp: in my opinion the only way to pass #12961 is using the initial check mark boosters. Liquorice drops in a random way and extra moves don’t grant it.
Att Rick: I never spent a cent buying boosters and I don’t intend to do it. My goal now is to achieve level 13000 and I think it will be possible once I still have a little bit more than 1000 bars.
Good luck everyone and stay well.

Mezzanine said...

Level 12802 is impossible. Hoping for a lucky board please

Passeio fluvial said...

O nível 12988 está com defeito, acabam as gelatinas mas mesmo assim fica faltando quebrar duas. Já comprei duas vezes 35 movimentos extras e usei todos os meus martelos pra tentar quebrar a maquininha que fica jogando peças e nada. Usei também meu ovni e não alcançou. Por favor conserte isso e me devolva meus martelos e ovni, isso é problema do jogo e não meu. Devolvam também 16 barras de ouro ou me deixem passar desse nível horroroso e com defeito.

Elektra said...

Tip for 12975: don’t waste moves trying to clear the skulls. There are plenty of horizontal stripes dropping which will take some without your trying, plus the fish often target the skulls. My biggest problem was clearing the blockers on the bottom left and right sections in time, which you need to do to collect the cherries (and win). Those sections are blocked by countdowns of other blockers. I needed 20 of the 35 extra moves.

I haven’t given tips lately since my “strategy” is wait for 35 extra moves and a lucky board. Boring.

Sad to see long-playing members leaving or thinking about leaving the game. But I think at this level we are all more or less in the same boat or at least all floating on the same sea. We each may have different events that help us (a lot or a little) or opportunities to win boosters or gold bars, but none of them are really sustainable so inevitably we will each reach our end. (Maybe not!) For the last 2 weeks I’ve had a cluster of incredible timed boosters, and I have no idea where or why they were awarded. It’s 24 hours of 1 free booster of each type on each level. I’ve not had much experience with piñata’s so being able to use 1 on each level, as well as 1 saucer, stripe brush, etc., has been amazing, for the 24 hours I had them. So weird that I don’t know where they came from. Those 24 hours for each of 2 weeks is why I progressed.

I’ve enjoyed the community we’ve shared here that Ms Cookie started. Best of luck and peace to all.

Luís Bernardo said...

It seems that King is now a little bit more generous. Last episodes are easier than 2/3 weeks ago.
Pay attention to #12988. You have to open the dispenser because the last 2 jellies are inside it. I think the only way to do that is using CB/CB and hammers. Good luck everyone

R Gord said...

On level 13018 use the checkmark booster if you have one as 30 licorice are needed and the dispensers are very finicky in releasing new licorice.

Luís Bernardo said...

Target achieved. Done thru #13010😀😀. Again some very difficult levels in this episode. Now it’s time to relax. Good luck everyone.

Elektra said...

I agree with Luis about 12988. No way could I get 2 CBS together to break the spawner so it took 6 hammers (all I had) for me to finally win this level, 5 to kill the spawner and 1 for the last jelly). I wasted 2 saucers to learn that they won’t hit the spawner (inside the impenetrable barriers). I also think the next episode (13011-13025) is somewhat easier. “Easy” for me means I don’t need all of the 35 extra moves. “Very easy” means I don’t need any extra moves. Good luck all.

Yay Seahawks!

Deb said...

12816 Enrolled in Candy Royal and got seven wins without a loss and King never provided any piñatas. Disgusted.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 13014
Have only 20 moves
Videos shows 28
Make a difference to close the level
This is not fair
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC:):):)

Fred said...

Thanks CC for level 13014
Just have 28 moves
Thank yuy :):):)

Flippenheck said...

Stuck on 13020 for a while now. Help please

Luís Bernardo said...

On #13043 use the check mark booster. Otherwise it will be impossible to get enough yellow candies. Good luck everyone

Dolce’ said...

Hi Rick glad to see you back in the comments! I do not spend any money on this game as well, I have almost 0 boosters left and seven gold bars☹️ King is making it impossible to win levels without these, but I will not give in and pay when it’s blatantly obvious thats what they are trying to make you do 🙄 I have been stuck on 12997 for a few days, but will not give in. Just boring as heck! But best of luck everyone and Happiest of Holidays! 🥂

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 13020 is different as videos shows
So this is very strange
Can’t get it close so posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):)

Fred said...

Hello CC
Can’t get close level 13023
So…gonna stop
Too difficult for me
Hope a great lucky board
Thanks CC:):)

Fred said...

Hello CC
Level 13024 is again different as videos shows
So have only 27 moves
So need a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):)

Fred said...

13024 is very hard

Fred said...

Level 13024 is impossible
Need more moves so…..

cvbcb said...

Level 11637… need Lucky Board. Not enough moves. PFL

Fred said...

Hello CC
It’s a joke
Level 13027: have 22 moves and videos shows 35 !!!!
I don’t understand why ?
So ….
Need 13 moves more :)
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):)

Mike Baskey said...

So I made it to 12619 (which according to YouTube video required someone to buy 34 extra moves, even though marked as "normal") thanks to couple of bot streaks and Candy Royales (have no boosters of any kind other than now 29 gold bars). Lost a streak on 12616 - hard to balance when to spend gold bars to keep bot streak going (especially when you can win Sam's streak) vs. saving them for those levels that need 35 extra moves.
I saw somebody post about winning 7 in a row on Candy Royale - for me those are now 8 levels in a row and only give gold bars (500 split among the winners) not pinatas.
I lost a bot streak on another kind of streak breaker, different than the one Rick mentioned (I've run into those a couple of times in the past). It was in the 6000 levels (on my new tablet) - if you don't use check mark, the boosters from the bot streak prevent you from getting the number required to complete the level and you have to start from scratch - very frustrating!
Last complaint - Sam Streak (which I was leading by 150 points when I went to be at 11pm East Coast) ends at like 4 in the morning so someone (probably in another time zone) passed me so 2nd place is 1 CB vs. the package which includes UFO and Pinata (I think).

Anyway, Bills- Dolphins this week in the snow - gotta love it.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here but far behind, go Bills, squish the fish!

JB said...

Gutted no more help, currently stuck on 10022.
Thanks for everyone's help along the way.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 13048
Can’t get it close
Have 30 moves and videos shows 34
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :):):)

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 13051
Another level with less moves
Have 21 moves as videos shows 27/30 moves
This is not fair
How can you get it close
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Fred said...

Hello CC
Always same problem
Have 20 moves and videos shows 25 for level 13055
Again, this is no fair
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Elektra said...

Sunny, I hope you and your family are safe! Thinking of you. Mike, too — did you once say you were from Buffalo? Best holiday greetings to all.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 13071
Have only 20 moves
Videos shows 27
So…Posting for lucky board
Posting for more moves
Thanks CC:):):)

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Here in Buffalo, snow drift on side door up to my shoulder, waist high snow drift at front door but finally got out :) all Christmas gatherings postponed, but lots of time to play this silly game!

Pascorp said...

13117... impossible ! Help.

Fred said...

Hello CC
Cc level 13086
Have only 21 moves as videos shows 30
Even if I have boosters , this is not fair
So posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :)

Fred said...

Hello CC
Impossible to close level 13095 with 20 moves

Janesh said...

Does it really help to post for luck? I've been on 12930 for days. I've watched videos and I've used all my boosters. I refuse to give King any money, after all I've gotten this far without doing that. The videos started at 30 but now it's 22. SO, "I'm posting for luck"
Thanks everyone

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Still here but way behind, please pray for Buffalo Bills Damar Hamlin

Elektra said...

Yes, Sunny, our prayers and thoughts are with Damar and his family and the whole Bills family.🙏

Fred said...

Hello CC
Impossible so close level 13097 with 21 moves
Impossible also tu use boosters on each level
And when you have boosters the levels are more and more difficult
And this is not fair

Mike Baskey said...

So my old home town of Buffalo certainly getting lots of national attention lately - having survived the Blizzard of 77 and many other storms (ice one was worst in my opinion), I can definitely empathize with my friends and relatives having to go through these last 2 and now the Damar Hamlin situation (so scary).
Kind of puts things in perspective (like dealing with the frustration of CC!

On the CC front, limping along up to 12668 now (around 7300 on the new tablet).
Been playing the contest for the blue snowflake candies (semi-finals now) and found something interesting some of you might want to check out. On my new tablet, been playing level 7207 which gives around 500-1000 each time and pretty easy to beat in 15 moves or so. On my Facebook version, been playing level 8238 which normally gives around 600-800 per try but I've found recently that as soon as you complete the level and Tiffi (?) comes up, I click on it and then fast forward to skip the wrap-up and I've been getting around 4000 per try. If I let it complete on its own, just the normal 600 or so.
Anyway, be nice to get all those gold bars (I'm saving my 43 like they're gold :-) as these levels continue to be insanely hard.

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Stuck way back on #12,361. No matter where you are in the world please pray for Buffalo Bills Damar Hamlin, only 24 yrs old, thanks & good luck to all...

Rick said...

Dolce, thanks for remembering me. I'm glad you are not spending any money in playing this game. I haven't played for a while because I have only one gold bar left and I don't want to spend any money either buying gold bars. I'm still at level 12800. However, I am still reading the blog.
I will play again if King allows us to earn gold bars without having to pay for it (for instance in the Chocolate Box when it was there before).

Mike Baskey said...

For those of us playing in the blue snowflake contest this weekend, the "trick" I found with 8328 works on the "new" version of 3309 (used to be my goto level for blue and green candies as well as CBs) that was changed but now is back to how it used to be. If you click on Tiffi as soon as she appears (and I mean right away) and then hit skip for clearing the board), you get around 8K blue credits each time (and the level - when you beat it - it's not trivial like 8328). Felt pretty good about myself when I got to 400K blue candies yesterday - then wake up this morning and someone passed me and has over 1M blues! Even at 5-8K per try, that's a lot of levels. Giving up.

Seems like all those prayers were answered - Damar Hamlin is off the ventilator and talking today. Now, all the Bills have to do is beat the Patriots tomorrow.

Rick - I've noticed that I seem to get 10 gold bars show up in my account about once every week or 2 (when I'm playing every day) on my FB account (figure they felt bad for me with my paltry amount of gold bars :-). Plus, I still have the chocolate box (although it takes 3-4 days to get to the one with the 10 gold bars - and you have to beat 6 levels to do it!).

Pat said...

What happened to the weekly contest? I was close to winning it!

Luís Bernardo said...

Happy New Year to all of you. I just won the winter season cup which means 100 gold bars per month😁. On the other side I lost the episode race and candy royal never works out. Done thru #13250 and each episode has at least 2 levels requiring extra moves. I don’t leave here any tips because levels are self explanatory. Only a remark: programmers discovered how to break our streaks launching levels with yellow/green/red orders absolutely impossible to achieve even with the 35 extra moves. On those cases I recommend you to use the check mark ✅. Good luck everyone

Mariann said...

Mike, you aren't the only one who gave up on the blue snowflake contest because someone passed you with over 1M blues. On another board, someone posted a screenshot of their "Winter Cup group from hell." With 4 hours left to go, #1 had 11.7M, #2 had 7.0M, and #3 had 6.1M. Yikes! - MP

Fred said...

Hello CC
Because I have boosters the levels are very different as videos shows, less moves, more difficult
Can’t close any level without boosters
Level 13 116, only 20 moves
Posting for lucky board
Thanks Cc

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